Moon / Lune / Mjesec
Zoé Pelchat
- Komedija
- 2020.
- 15'
Babz Dubreuil, a lonely but endearing ex-convict, works as a cook in a suburban brunch restaurant. Despite her civilized conduct, she struggles to regain her place in society. With the help of an outrageous colleague, she finds the courage to ask an attractive customer to go on a date with her.
- Production
- MéMO Films
- Direction
- Zoé Pelchat
- Actors
- Joanie Martel Alexandre Lavigne Martine Francke Guillaume Gauthier
- Camera
- Derek Branscombe
- Producer
- Mélanie S. Dubois
- Year
- 2020.
- Production country
- Kanada / Canada
- Duration
- 15' min
- Editing
- Charles Grenier
- Script
- Zoé Pelchat
Clermont-Ferrand ISFF | Aspen FF | Canadian FF (Best Performance – Joanie Martel) | (Special Jury Mention) IFF | FICFA (Best Canadian Short Film)