Tolerance Talk

Tolerance Talk

In addition to the film program, Tolerance Talk enables us to reopen both new and old topics to discuss that are brought closer to us by the greatest, closest to most of us, the seventh art. Film is a powerful tool that can detach us from our own fears, passions and discomforts so that we can face them more easily and talk about them. Current social issues increasingly point to the need to speak out and establish a dialogue between opposing parties and community-wide cooperation in fight against discrimination and prejudice. This year's edition of the Festival of Tolerance in Zadar opens polarizing, but important topics for the community in the format of structured discussions, which are related to the films that will be shown in the program sections. Speakers at Tolerance Talks are leading experts and people with vast experience in the areas they talk about. Along with experts from relevant social fields, the audience also takes part in debates and round tables as a crucial factor in creating public opinion. We will discuss messages regarding the integration of persons with international protection and challenges in the prevention of peer violence. The talks are also open to the public, and their purpose is to promote tolerance and inclusivity.
